Get details of a videos youtube push
Code | Description |
400 | Bad Request: body has wrong syntax or unable to handle request |
401 | Unauthorized: auth_token omitted or authentication failed |
406 | Not Acceptable: Accept or Content-Type headers must be application/json, text/csv or application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet |
404 | Video has not been pushed to youtube |
403 | Channel_id does not match valid youtube token |
422 | Unprocessable Entity: body has wrong attributes |
REQUEST Content-Type: application/json RESPONSE 200 (OK) { "id": 4, "category": 10, "consumer_token_id": null, "created_at": "2017-04-04T20:16:14Z", "embeddable": true, "is_linked": false, "organization_id": 19, "privacy_setting": "private", "push_errors": [], "pushed_at": "2017-04-04T20:16:14Z", "status": "pushing", "synced_at": "2017-04-04T20:16:14Z", "updated_at": "2017-04-04T20:16:14Z", "video_id": 13, "youtube_id": "youtube-id-4", "youtube_token_id": 4 }
Param name | Description |
auth_token optional |
API token needed to authorize requests Validations:
id required |
channel_id required |
YouTube channel id Validations: