Update a Video’s tags
DEPRECATED: This endpoint will no longer return consistent data. It is recommended now that you both create new tags on the “Player” object and, going forward, make updates to tags on the "Player" object.
Code | Description |
400 | Bad Request: body has wrong syntax or unable to handle request |
401 | Unauthorized: auth_token omitted or authentication failed |
403 | Forbidden: This action cannot be performed |
404 | Not Found: The requested resource could not be found |
406 | Not Acceptable: Accept or Content-Type headers must be application/json, text/csv or application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet |
REQUEST Content-Type: application/json { "tags": [ { "name": "TagExample" }, { "name": "Tag2Example" } ] }
Param name | Description |
auth_token optional |
API token needed to authorize requests Validations:
name optional |
A video’s tag Validations: