Create a new player that can contain video objects
Code | Description |
400 | Bad Request: body has wrong syntax or unable to handle request |
401 | Unauthorized: auth_token omitted or authentication failed |
403 | Forbidden: This action cannot be performed |
404 | Not Found: The requested resource could not be found |
406 | Not Acceptable: Accept or Content-Type headers must be application/json, text/csv or application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet |
422 | Unprocessable Entity: body has wrong attributes |
// There are 2 options to create a new player: // Option 1: create a player with a single video. { "name":"My Player", "chapters_attributes":[{ "position":0, "video_attributes":{ "name":"My Video", "upload_url":"" } }] } //Option 2: create a player that can contain multiple videos. Use the <a href="/apidoc/api_chapters/create.html">chapters endpoint</a> to add videos to the player. REQUEST Content-Type: application/json { "name": "My Player", "description": "The besterest videos", "viral_sharing": true, "viral_sharing_message": "Check out this awesome video!", "height": 360, "width": 640, "color": "A7A7A7", "splash_screen_fade": true, "on_complete": "loop", "sharing_page": true, "sharing_page_comments": true, "whitelisted_embed_domain": "*,", "authorized_by": "platform" } RESPONSE 201 (Created) { "id": 1111, "uuid": "eQSsPVXinqGoesujP2Vteg", "name": "My Player", "description": "The besterest videos", "play_button": true, "autoplay": false, "embed_button": true, "viral_sharing": true, "viral_sharing_message": "Check out this awesome video!", "custom_sharing_link": null, "height": 360, "width": 640, "color": "A7A7A7", "playlist_color": "222222", "splash_screen_fade": true, "mute_onload": false, "disable_playlist": false, "playlist_always_open": false, "audio_player_visuals": "visualization", "on_complete": "loop", "redirect_url": null, "redirect_whole_page": false, "sharing_page": true, "sharing_page_comments": true, "release_date": 0, "expiry_date": null, "whitelisted_embed_domain": "*,", "authorized_by": "platform", "hidden_controls": false, "up_next": false, "disable_legacy": false, "chapters_attributes": [], "created_at": 1390585689, "updated_at": 1390585689, "length_in_seconds": 0, "show_playback_speed": false, "show_time": true }
Param name | Description |
auth_token optional |
API token needed to authorize requests Validations:
name optional |
Name of the player Validations:
description optional |
Description of the player Validations:
play_button optional |
Display the play button on the thumbnail Validations:
autoplay optional |
Force the player to start playing when the page loads Validations:
first_frame optional |
Causes the player to begin playing as soon as it has loaded and then immediately pause Validations:
embed_button optional |
Display embed button on player Validations:
viral_sharing optional |
Adds a share button to your player allowing your viewers to share your videos on social networks and email Validations:
viral_sharing_message optional |
The message used when viral sharing button is clicked Validations:
custom_sharing_link optional |
The link that will be shared when viral sharing button is clicked Validations:
height optional |
Height of the player Validations:
width optional |
Width of the player Validations:
color optional |
Color of the player (Hex) Validations:
playlist_color optional |
Color of the playlist (Hex) Validations:
splash_screen_fade optional |
The player gets highlighted when a viewer’s mouse hovers over it Validations:
mute_onload optional |
The videos will default to mute with a text overlay prompting the viewer to click for sound Validations:
disable_playlist optional |
The playlist is not shown on the side of the player Validations:
playlist_always_open optional |
The playlist is always shown on the side of the player Validations:
on_complete optional , nil allowed |
What would you like to happen when all videos have finished playing? Validations:
redirect_url optional |
URL to redirect the player iframe to when videos have finished playing Validations:
redirect_whole_page optional |
Redirects the entire page if “on_complete” is set to “redirect_url” Validations:
sharing_page optional |
Enable the sharing page for the player Validations:
sharing_page_comments optional |
Allow viewers to comment on the sharing page Validations:
release_date optional , nil allowed |
Timestamp (Unix Time) Validations:
expiry_date optional , nil allowed |
Timestamp (Unix Time) Validations:
whitelisted_embed_domain optional |
Restrict this player to be embedded only on specific domains Validations:
authorized_by optional |
Restrict this player to a specific platform such as Hubs or Salesforce Chatter Validations:
hidden_controls optional |
Disable playback controls Validations:
up_next optional |
Enable Up Next feature Validations:
disable_legacy optional |
Disable legacy mode Validations:
audio_player_visuals optional |
Change what is displayed during playback of an audio chapter Validations:
chapters_attributes optional |
Advanced feature: Used for embedded chapter resource creation Validations: